Primobol Tabs (Primobolan)
Oral Steroids

Primobol Tabs (Primobolan)

Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Methenolone Acetate
Pack: 60 tabs (50mg/tab)
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Primobol Tabs (Primobolan) Detailed

What is Methenolone Acetate

Methenolone Acetate is an anabolic steroid that can be found as tablets under the name Primobolan. One of the biggest pluses of Methenolone is it being a 1-methylated for oral bioavailability, rather than a 17-alkylated as most other oral steroids, which makes it less toxic and more tolerable to the liver. This may be the reason why many bodybuilders prefer this substance to other steroids. 

In general, this drug is unusual among other oral steroids; its androgenic activity is considered to be low and is a very mild anabolic drug. One should not expect big gains in muscle mass when using Methenolone Acetate, however, it’s great for those who need a mild anabolic agent in a cutting phase of training. Because of its functionality as an anabolic receptor, Methenolone Acetate is a very good fat burner, so good that many bodybuilders wouldn’t consider being on a diet without it. This substance produces proteins, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone - responsible for human male characteristics.

How to use Methenolone Acetate

Primobol comes in form of tablets for oral administration, and in form of injections for intramuscular administration. Dosages are different for different users. If taken by mouth, male users run it at a dosage of about 75 mg to 150 mg each day to achieve the best results. For injectable form, the dosage is anywhere between 300 mg to 800 mg per week. For female users a reasonable dosage would be no more than 100 mg per day for oral form, and about 100 mg to 200 mg per week for the injectable form. The exact dosage depends on personal goals, user experience and health condition. A doctor can help in choosing the best option.

Unlike other anabolic steroids, Primobol has to be run for an unusual cycle period to get the most benefits: anywhere between 12 to 16 weeks or even for a longer period of time. The biggest disadvantage of the substance is its expensive price.  Considering the fact that this steroid should be taken for a prolonged period of time to notice the results, many bodybuilders choose to use the drug’s injectable form.

Side effects of Methenolone Acetate

The good part is that Methenolone Acetate side effects related with estrogen are unlikely to happen. However, even though androgenic component of this substance is unusually low compared to other anabolic steroids, side effects are still possible. One should use caution while taking this drug.

This substance is not indicated in children as it can slow down normal bone growth. Also, taking the steroid in early age may speed up sexual development; moreover, female children could develop male body characteristics. Also, women who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant are not allowed to take this drug.

Female users may experience the following side effects: unusual hair growth or loss, enlarged clitoris, irregular menstrual periods. Male users are exposed to the following negative effects: enlarged penis, prolonged erections and baldness.  Other common side effects: acne, oily skin, nausea and vomiting.

NOTE: If any of the side effects listed above are noticed, you should immediately seek medical care!
Primobol Tabs (Primobolan) Reviews
Jun 3, 2022 (11:23)

AP team helped me get closer to my goal! thank you!

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