Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Methenolone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
What is Primoxyl 100
Primoxyl 100 from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals or Primobolan Depot (also known as Methenolone Enanthate) is an anabolic steroid with weak androgenic activity and a moderate anabolic effect. Primoxyl is an injectable form of the drug, which is an ester of Methenolone Enanthate. The injectable form has a longer duration of action (due to the gradual transition from the muscles of the drug in the blood) - approximately two weeks. Primoxyl is similar to Testosterone Enanthate. The main disadvantage of this form is painful injections.
How to take Primoxyl 100
Primoxyl 100 should be injected only once a week due to its long action period. When receiving Primoxyl 100 at 200mg dose, the light accumulation of water which contributes to the accumulation of strength and weight may occur. Novices at a dose of 200 mg per week can achieve good results and gain 6-7 kg during 8 weeks.
Primoxyl is a good basic steroid with a predominantly anabolic effect, although with a weaker effect than of Deca Durabolin. It may be effectively combined with almost any steroids depending on the purpose. Those who would like to gain mass rapidly, can take Primoxyl with Sustanon and Methandrostenolone. Those who have more patience or are afraid of potential liver damage, are very satisfied with combination of Primoxyl 100 of 200 mg per week and Deca of 200-400 mg per week. The best combination is Primoxyl 100 with Winstrol Depot. 200-400 mg per week - it is normally used dosage of Primoxyl, although there are many athletes who use daily 100 mg ampule.
Side effects of Primoxyl 100
Primoxyl - a unique steroid with properties not possessed by any other drug. Primoxyl does not cause estrogenic side effects which is a significant advantage over other steroids. This means that acne, edema and other negative effects do not threaten someone who uses Primoxyl. Thus, it is quite attractive compared with other steroids for those who have a tendency to side effects. Due to the low water-binding, Primoxyl is often more effective than other drugs. It is not only effective due to the decrease in binding water in the body, but also proves to be very useful because of its anabolic nature which positively affects the development of muscles.
The only downside which is known is a slow increase in muscle mass (the result usually requires more than eight weeks). Due to the lack of swelling, muscle gain which will be noticeable when using Primoxyl will really increase muscle quality and not water retention in the body. Accrued muscles are better preserved, though not increasing so rapidly as with the use of other drugs. Though Primoxyl is not as harmful as other drugs, after-course therapy is still necessary.
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Jun 20, 2023 (11:39)
This product is the bomb,great no side effects and kerps you lean,great if your older and want to lean up