Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Boldenone Undecylenate
Pack: 10 ml vial (400 mg/ml)
Boldabol Forte 400 is trade name for well known good old Equipose or EQ as we call it, a popular injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid for bulking, muscle growth and strength as well as faster recovery.
Boldabol Forte 400 is made by British Dragon and is sold in 10ml vials with strength @ 400mg/ml each and its active substances are:
Since it is has a mix of different speed esters you will feel it pretty quick 1-2 weeks.
As most injectable steroids with long acting esters Boldabol Forte 400 is used in 12 -14 weeks cycles stacked with some oral steroids or some other injectable steroid.
One of the most poular stacks is:
1-4 Turanabol tabs @40mg/ED
1-12 Boldabol Forte 400 @1ml/week
1-12 Tesosterone Enanthate @2ml/week
PCT with Clomid will start on week 15
"Equapoise/Boldenone is one of the most underated steroids and is a good replacement to Deca"
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